Last Update: more than 1 week ago
Updating...Mad Ninja
General of the Army
- Score: 5,589,048
- Kills: 24,222
- Deaths: 15,704
- K/D Ratio: 1.54
- Time: 398h 31m
- Team Score: 210,155
- Squad Score: 183,110
- Objective Score: 287,475
- Vehicle Score: 18,175
- Award Score: 2,528,980
- Bonus Score: 380,738
- Score per Minute: 234
- Games: 1,301
- Wins: 670
- Losses: 631
- W/L Ratio: 1.06
- Skill Level: 196
- Destruction 2.0 Kills: 15
- Dogtags: 461