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General of the Army
  • Score: 13,419,378
  • Kills: 58,168
  • Deaths: 25,662
  • K/D Ratio: 2.27
  • Time: 638h 21m
  • Team Score: 498,600
  • Squad Score: 996,310
  • Objective Score: 647,350
  • Vehicle Score: 1,138,510
  • Award Score: 6,571,775
  • Bonus Score: 883,273
  • Score per Minute: 350
  • Games: 2,987
  • Wins: 2,268
  • Losses: 719
  • W/L Ratio: 3.15
  • Skill Level: 200
  • Destruction 2.0 Kills: 29
  • Dogtags: 533

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