Last Update: more than 1 week ago
Update Nowbubu000
General of the Army
- Score: 14,855,432
- Kills: 88,679
- Deaths: 48,805
- K/D Ratio: 1.82
- Time: 1061h 57m
- Team Score: 265,435
- Squad Score: 861,775
- Objective Score: 1,442,595
- Vehicle Score: 519,915
- Award Score: 5,894,775
- Bonus Score: 948,267
- Score per Minute: 233
- Games: 4,690
- Wins: 2,872
- Losses: 1,818
- W/L Ratio: 1.58
- Skill Level: 193
- Destruction 2.0 Kills: 77
- Dogtags: 990